TANTRA MEDITATIONS FOR LIFE is an event that combines elements of tantra and meditation to provide participants with a holistic and transformative experience. Tantra is an ancient spiritual tradition that originated in India and is associated with the expansion of consciousness and energy. This event aims to guide individuals towards a deeper understanding of themselves and their connection to the world through the practice of tantra meditations, created by an Indian mystic and an enlightened master, Osho.
"I'm thrilled to share some of the techniques that have had a profound positive impact on my life.”
Swami Amandeep
7 AM: Dynamic Meditation
Description: Dynamic meditation is a highly energetic and cathartic meditation technique, known for its intensity and ability to release pent-up emotions and energy. Possibly the most radical transformative method ever created. Associated Chakra: Muladhara / Root
9 AM: Kundalini Meditation
Description: Kundalini meditation begins with a period of spontaneous shaking and dancing. Participants are encouraged to let go of inhibitions and allow their bodies to move freely. This stage helps release physical and emotional tension.Followed by stages of sitting and laying down in stillness and silence. Associated Chakra: Svadhishthana / Sacral
11 AM: Chakra Breathing Meditation
Description: Chakra Breathing meditation is designed to activate and balance the body's energy centres, known as chakras, and promote a sense of inner harmony and self-awareness. It involves intense breath-work and energy work, followed by integration through silence, stillness and witnessing. Associated Chakra: Manipura / Solar Plexus
1 PM: No Dimensions Meditation
Description: No Dimensions meditation is a brilliant, relatively powerful method with elements of an ancient Sufi meditation technique. Sufism is a mystical branch of Islam known for its deep spiritual practices and devotion to divine love. The process begins with mysterious repetitive movement steps, continues into whirling and ends in pin drop silence. Associated Chakra: Anahata / Heart
3 PM: Nadabrahma Meditation
Description: Nadabrahma Meditation is designed to help participants achieve a state of deep relaxation, heightened awareness, and inner harmony. It combines the use of sound, movement, and silence to create a holistic meditation experience. Nadabrahma is a Sanskrit word that can be translated as "the sound of God. Associated Chakra: Vishudda / Throat
5 PM: Gourishankar Meditation
Description: Gourishankar meditation consists of four stages of fifteen minutes each. The first two stages are preparation for the spontaneous Latihan of the third stage. If the breathing is done correctly in the first stage, the carbon dioxide formed in the bloodstream will make you feel as high as Gourishankar (Mt. Everest). It is a Third Eye opening method. Associated Chakra: Ajna / Third Eye
7 PM: Mahamudra Meditation
Description: Mahamudra is the Tantra term describing the highest state of consciousness possible. It means literally the “great gesture”, which arises out of the Ultimate Orgasm with the Universe. This meditation is a very powerful catalyst to propel you into the experience of Transcendence. Associated Chakra: Sahasrara / Crown
$15 Each meditation
$95 The whole day
Feel free to come and participate in only a few meditations that resonate with you. Or stay the whole day for the most profound transformational experience.
Wear loose and comfortable clothing. Bring a water bottle, yoga mat, cushion and a blanket ( if you can ). Some mats and cushions will be provided.
Please be on time