Our Story
Waiheke Mystery School is a non-profit organisation consciously involved in awakening of the Human race at this time of great transformation.
We believe that to achieve change on a global level, first transformation on a personal level must take place.
Our approach is to bring about this change by the way of meditation and love, awareness and compassion, freedom and joy.
We organise events and workshops that support and develop these qualities in an individual. We are not affiliated with any religion. We simply focus on empowering people to be loving, joyous and free.
"Change the way you look at things,
and things you look at change"
— A Course in Miracles
There is no journey to be made from here to enlightenment.
Enlightenment already is the case. We just need to grow aware of it.
Through deep meditation we reach states of intense awareness and potent feeling of bliss and connection to the whole existence. Now it is easy for our bodies, minds and hearts to heal quickly and effortlessly.
Connected to the heart and its infinite love, we become conscious co-creators and servants to Mother Earth and all her life.
In this Tantric approach the meditation and awareness of Sacred Masculine meets the love and compassion of Divine Feminine. This union gives birth to new man and new woman. The Awakened One. The Buddha.
"As above, so below. As within, so without."
— Hermes Trismegistus